It’s THIS Sunday !!! The annual ISO Cookie Concert is one of my favorite
events of the year ! I am so proud to live in Lakeland, where we have our own
fabulous orchestra, led by Mark Theilen, who loves to introduce music to
children of all ages. I don’t know if you can read all the details on the
poster, plus, there is so much more to say, so I will elaborate.

At the Lakeland Center, this Sunday, April 15, 2012, the
Imperial Syphony Orchestra
(ISO) will be offering a free concert specifically designed for children… and
this year… their pets. ”Bring your well-behaved pet on a leash or in a cage and
join in the animal parade.” Sounds awesome ! Although I recommend stuffed
fuzzy friends, rather than real ones, so your child can focus on the music
instead of the animal, especially with the younger children. Hmmm… I wonder if
they will be offering pet treats as well as cookies during intermission? Bring
your own treat for your animal, just in case! Otherwise, your pet may try to
nab a cookie from an unsuspecting child (spoken from experience!)
BEFORE the concert: Recognize this as an opportunity for
community service – this year, there are TWO agencies that “CAN” benefit, VISTE
and the SPCA. We are indeed blessed that the concert is free. This is a way to
“pay it forward”.
- Bring a few cans of Tuna to donate to VISTE. Talk to your child about elderly people
who live alone and what they might need. Let your child help you get the Tuna
cans from the cupboard, or at the store, and help them realize this food will
become an appreciated meal by an elderly person. Even better, get involved,
take the tour, and be a part of their mission to enhance the quality of life for
the many frail elderly folks that live in Polk County.
- Bring a few cans of dog or cat food to donate to the SPCA. Make arrangements in
the near future to visit the SPCA. If you can get a group together, take the
tour ! Our Girl Scout troop absolutely enjoyed the full tour, as well as making
and gathering all the wonderful things to donate for our furry friends.
- BRING along another child who may not normally have this opportunity. It
is a RICH EXPERIENCE ! SHARE it! The expression on their faces, and the
impression it leaves in their hearts and minds is so worth it !!!
Set up your child for success: Some children, esp.
younger ones, listen better when they have something to do with their hands,
like drawing or coloring, or molding something like Silly Putty. Bring a few
items with you, ie. “fill your toolbox”. KNOW your child and set them up for
success. Do your best to make sure they are not hungry or tired. I know… it
may be impossible to make it work that day, but I did say Do your Best!
Be sure to arrive early. Pre-concert activities begin at
2:00 pm., and these give children the opportunity for hands-on experiences. For
example, many times, the musicians bring out their instruments into the foyer
and allow the children to pluck the strings, or move the keys while the musician
plays. There have also been “mini-concerts” with young children performing on
their violins, etc. Your young children really benefit from these early
activities, and it helps prepare them for the sitting and listening part. As
well as the “instrument petting”, there will probably be “pet petting” going on.
My daughter will be trying to pet every dog there !
Find a good seat where your child can see. During the
concert, the conductor is famous for involving the children along the way,
including asking questions, and having volunteers do something silly. And, of
course, there is a visit by the Publix gator. (And we are extremely grateful to
Publix who provides a great deal of support in order to make this a free concert
for our community!). The music this year is SURE to be delightful!
- Carnival of the Animals
- Pink Panther
- Jurassic Park
- Happy Feet
- Muppet Medley
- Chicken Dance (Teach your child the dance moves ahead of time. See this video.)
- Whistler and his Dog
During the concert, take a deep breath and relax. LISTEN to
the music. Make brief comments/questions to your child about the sounds you
hear from the orchestra. This helps them to focus their listening. What
instruments can be heard? Try to help them pick out the high sounding
instruments, AND the low ones. What animal is the composer reflecting on with
this music? Which instrument makes the best sound of the animal? Ask them to
close their eyes and listen. If there is an animal specified, what does it seem
like the animal might be doing? What images does the music bring to mind?
What pictures does the music paint in YOUR mind? Share this with your child
only after you hear their answers.
Information from
with Debbie Mondale