This Friday is National Doughnut Day and the Krispy Kreme in South Lakeland will be offering a Free Doughnut so head over and pick up a doughnut of your choice!

There's no catch, no coupons.
Simply show up at the museum between 2pm and 6pm* the first Tuesday of each month, thorugh to March 2012 and your admission is only $2 per person.
(*Although we are extending our hours until 7pm the first Tuesday of each month, we recommend allowing at least one hour minimum to visit the museum.)
Children under 1: FREE
Children 1 and older: $2.00
Adults: $2.00
Military/Seniors: $2.00
2pm - 7pm
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Thank you - we look forward to seeing you here!
Visitors like you make doing business a real pleasure! SEE YOU HERE! |
Alan G Mock
Glazer Children's Museum
H-E-Buddy 2011 Summer Reading Program is here!
Read 10 books and mail this form to get your free H-E-Buddy T-shirt. Shirt will take 3-4 weeks to arrive.
Form must be postmarked by 10/1/11.
We do this every summer. They always send a nice package with a tee shirt, pencil, stickers, bookmark and a certificate.
Stop by the Bright Ideas Station at your local participating Walmart for a cool treat. Get low prices everyday on everything, plus a free sample of Edy’s ice cream* topped with Reddi-wip and Nesquik while supplies last. *Brand varies by location.
See my local event times | Zip Code | Radius | |
This Saturday & Sunday ONLY 8am to 6pm
($3 lb) Free Parking.....
Bring in this ad and receive 25% OFF of EVERYTHING in the store!
(Wine Tastings not included)
Expiration 5/31/2011
(Friday night dinner not included)
Pick (5lbs) or more of blueberries and receive a FREE small wine freeze
Welcome to Regal's Summer Movie Express 2011. Moviegoers of all ages can climb aboard to enjoy a great selection of films. During this 9-week festival, select Regal Cinemas, United Artists and Edwards Theatres will offer selected G or PG rated movies for only a dollar on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10:00am.
Welcome to Regal's Summer Movie Express 2011. Moviegoers of all ages can climb aboard to enjoy a great selection of films. During this 9-week festival, select Regal Cinemas, United Artists and Edwards Theatres will offer selected G or PG rated movies for only a dollar on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10:00am.
Meet the stars of Toy Story!
Wednesday, May 18th
Glazer Children's Museum
Join us this Wednesday as the Stars of
Disney On Ice presents DISNEY/PIXAR'S TOY STORY 3!
come to the Glazer Children's Museum
TIME: 'Meet & Greets' will be at 3pm and 4:30pm
COST: This exclusive Tampa Bay opportunity is included free with your
General Admission ticket or Membership Admission
That's right - this is a rare chance for your child to meet their all-time favorite Disney/Pixar characters...up close and personal! (And the perfect photo opp you'll treasure for years to come!)
So saddle on up, there par'dner, and head on over!
To infinity and Beyond!
For more information, visit the museum's website
For Ticket information to the ice show at the St Pete Times Forum
Create your own fun designs. Make your own personalized gift tags. While supplies last. Ages 14 and up.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.mThe Kid's Nature Festival will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at Tenoroc Fish Management Area.
Admission is free.
The free festival will feature representatives from environmental agencies and private environmental organizations.
To register or for more information, contact Donna Stark at 863-665-5283.
This successful summer program for rising and repeating Kindergartners offers a month of daily interactive sessions at Family Fundamentals to enhance readiness and social skills. Students entering or repeating Kindergarten will enjoy 4 weeks of fun and learning beginning July 7th.
Highly qualified teachers will lead the exciting parade of themed rich language-laden lessons with movement and music, color and art, taste and cooking, providing learning opportunities for parent involvement at camp and at home.
Children will learn: Awareness: 47 sounds; Vocabulary: Receptive and Expressive; Participation: Cooperative Learning Groups; Reinforcement: and Following Directions
To register or get more information, call Learning Resource Center (863) 688-9477 and ask for Alice Koehler
Dates: June 20, 2011 - June 24, 2011
Time: 9:15am - 11:45am
Location: 4450 Harden Blvd., Lakeland, FL Map It
Registration Deadline: June 20, 2011
Contact Information: 863-644-7710
Join us this week as we begin a new class for 2 year olds at Family Fundamentals. "TWOgether Time" is a Fun Learning activity that gives 2 year olds and their parents the chance to interact in a learning environment where teachers model learning strategies and offer support. Parents and children will learn and socialize as they participate in fun, stimulating, developmental activities.
Wednesday mornings, 10:00 – 11:00 AM, No Pre-Registration Required.